Erectile dysfunction in men
Erectile dysfunction is the inability to achieve a stable erection or perform a full-fledged sexual act. This is a physiological or psychological pathology that prevents partners from enjoying intimacy due to problems with erection, lack of ejaculation or orgasm in a man. Usually, the reason for contacting a urologist or andrologist is a situation when, even with strong sexual arousal, the cavernous body of the penis does not fill with blood, that is, it does not go into an erect state.
Characteristic symptoms
According to Ahealthyman statistics, erectile dysfunction occurs in 10% of men after the age of 21 and in a third of all representatives of the stronger sex after reaching the age of 60. And this indicator continues to increase. At the same time, only 22% of men seek professional advice from a doctor and only 36% of this number start the proposed treatment. Most of them make independent attempts to combat the problem using dubious drugs with unproven effectiveness. This approach at best gives a short-term effect, and at worst – leads to a complete disorder of sexual function. In order not to expose yourself to the risk of irreversible changes and serious complexes about sexual inability, it is necessary to go to an appointment with a urologist when the following alarming signs appear:
- lack of erection in the morning;
- accelerated ejaculation;
- inability to achieve a full erection during masturbation;
- slowing down the rate of erection, even with strong sexual arousal.
Causes and treatment
Erectile dysfunction in men, which has arisen as a result of pathological changes of organic nature, develops gradually. It is usually accompanied by a fading interest in sexual life. A more difficult situation is the presence of psychogenic problems (depression, stress, psychological trauma, chronic fatigue, etc.). Most of these patients retain an erection in the morning and the possibility of self-satisfaction, and characteristic violations are observed precisely in the process of intimacy with a partner. With pathologies of a mixed type, both of the above factors become the cause.
Among the main risks provoking male potency dysfunction:
- smoking for a long period;
- alcohol abuse;
- diabetes mellitus;
- hypertension;
- cardiac ischemia;
- depression;
- neuroses and other mental disorders;
- the period of adaptation of the body with a sharp change in lifestyle and diet;
- taking certain medications;
- sedentary work;
- consequences of injuries;
- surgical interventions in the genital area.
Prolonged depression leads to erection problems in about 25% of cases. This is especially true for young and middle-aged people. In such situations, the treatment of erectile dysfunction in men should be comprehensive and include regular visits to a psychotherapist. Organic disorders are much more common. They usually occur due to changes in the walls of blood vessels that appear as a result of natural aging processes of the body.
The success of therapy mainly depends on the correctness of determining the etiology of the disorder. If there is a psychogenic problem, you can restore sexual health and activity with the help of consultations with a specialized specialist. Unfortunately, this cannot be said about severe organic disorders associated with surgical treatment or even removal of the prostate gland. However, in any case, qualified medical care is needed, which will stop the progression of the disease and prevent irreversible consequences.
Shock wave therapy (UHT)
The essence of UVT is a slight impact on the tissues, whereby elasticity returns to the walls of the vessels, contributing to the restoration of normal blood supply. In the treatment of erectile dysfunction, a noticeable positive result is observed after 1-3 sessions.
Such therapy is aimed directly at the cause of the pathology, so it does not just eliminate the symptoms. Completing a full course provides a long and lasting effect even without pharmacological support or with its minimal volumes. In some cases, UVT can prevent surgical intervention. The method is painless and does not threaten the patient with negative consequences.
Magnetic Laser therapy (MLT)
The double effect of the magnetic field and laser radiation makes it possible to increase the depth of penetration of pulses. MLT increases the effectiveness of medications, eliminates pain in the urethra and the area of the external genitals, and also significantly improves the quality of erection. Treatment of erectile dysfunction in men with this method is painless and comfortable.In case of surface irradiation, special glasses are provided to the patient to protect the eyes.
Ozone therapy
Ozone therapy is a harmless and simple technique that allows you to get a pronounced result in the treatment of erectile dysfunction. The procedure consists in intravenous administration of a saline solution saturated with an oxygen-ozone mixture. Its concentration is determined by the doctor. One dropper is put on for 30 minutes. As a result of the course of ozone therapy (5-15 procedures):
- pathogenic fungi, bacteria, viruses are destroyed;
- oxygen saturation occurs in the blood;
- the lumen of the vessels expands;
- inflammation is relieved;
- metabolic processes are accelerated;
- general and local immunity is strengthened.
Prostate massage
Therapeutic prostate massage is performed by a urologist to normalize blood flow to this organ. This eliminates the lack of oxygen and nutrients in the tissues